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台北101已經不是世界最高樓了, 但我還沒有踏進去過.

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越來越多可以直接由線上購買的機會, ipod 應該也是部分原因。
另外一則新聞是,百度與 emi 合作提供免費下載。
看來網路銷售已是潮流,國外網路有相當多機會可以線上付費買到音樂,有聲書的銷售也是越來越多。台灣好像還很少看到,幸好網路無國界 (聽說版權是有國界的 XD) :p

Digital music sees sales double
Digital stores can offer a huge number of songs
Global digital music sales have almost doubled to around $2bn (£1bn) in 2006, according to an industry report.

But the rise, which represents 10% of all sales, has not reached the music companies' "holy grail" of offsetting the fall in CD sales.

The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) said digital sales could account for a quarter of all sales worldwide by 2010.

It also called for more action against illegal file sharing.

The IFPI's 2007 Digital Music Report said consumers last year downloaded 795 million tracks, up 89% on 2005, from almost 500 legitimate online music services available in 40 countries.

百度與 emi 合作
reuters: 百度與emi合作

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牆倒了、屋頂塌下來, 10噸重的咖啡豆掉下來

Hondurans die in coffee collapse

Six workers in Honduras were crushed to death by sacks of coffee beans unleashed when a wall in a warehouse gave way, rescue officials said.

The men were young seasonal workers at a coffee farm in Villanueva in the north of the Central American nation.

Officials said the wall collapse caused an overhead storeroom to come down, burying the men under around 10 tons of coffee beans.

Dozens of rescuers searched the site as relatives gathered for news.

"We've recovered five of the bodies, and there's one left," rescue worker Francisco Alvarenga told Reuters news agency.

Other workers were reported injured in the collapse.

One man, Cristian Nahun Hernandez, said he was inside when someone shouted that the wall was collapsing.

"I missed being crushed to death by a miracle," the Associated Press news agency quoted him as saying. "I ran, and I saved myself."

Honduras is Central America's second largest coffee exporter and the harvest season is currently under way.

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